Spiritual Books To Learn From, and Attain Ethical Moral Values



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Dear Friends of Gabriele Publishing The Word,

this world is often loud, fast-paced and full of distractions, leading us outward, away from what truly matters: our inner being in the awareness of God's love and the unity of all life.
To learn to live in this awareness helps us also to understand the meaning of our life on Earth and what is in store for our soul in the beyond.

We invite you to discover the many books from the divine wisdom that help us realize who we really are and define new goals in our life, that guide us toward happiness and inner peace.
These books offer us profound spiritual teachings and support on the inner path - God in us and we in God.
We learn to affirm and strengthen the positive in us and transform the negative into positive qualities in the awareness that God, the free Spirit, the light and strength in us, stands by us every step of the way.

A selection of these books for a conscious life, offered in many languages, are now reduced for you!

Books in English:
The True School Is Life Volume – 1
Live the Moment - and You Will See and Know Yourself
The Inner Path to the Cosmic Consciousness
Me • Me • Me – The Spider in the Web

Books in Spanish:
Yo, yo, yo, la araña en la telaraña
El día, tu amigo
El Reloj cósmico y la red de tu piel
Su Ojo. La contabilidad de Dios

Books in French:
Moi, moi, moi – L’araignée dans sa toile
L’Esprit libre – Dieu en nous
La vie que j’ai moi-même choisie
Plus proche de Dieu en toi

Books in Italian:
La vera scuola è la vita
La Via Interiore verso la coscienza cosmica
Lo Spirito Libero. Dio in noi
Impara a pregare

Books in German:
ICH – ICH – ICH Die Spinne im Netz
Lerne Beten
Mein Leben, das ich selbst gewählt
Mit GOTT lebt sich´s leichter

Books in Polish:
Wewnętrzna Droga do kosmicznej świadomości - wydanie zbiorowe
Z Bogiem żyje się łatwiej
Ja ● Ja ● Ja - Pająk w pajęczynie
Wiele, wiele życia

Books in Croatian:
Poruke iz svemira
UDŽBENIK: Doba ljiljana, uzvišeno doba poslije vremena: Bog u nama i mi u Bogu
Unutarnji put u kozmičku svijest
Ja, ja, ja - Pauk u mreži

Books in Portuguese:
Viva o Instante
O LIVRO DE ENSINO: A Idade do Lìrio, o elevado tempo após o tempo: Deos em nós e nós em Deos
A minha vida que eu mesmo escolhi

Books in Hungarian:
A Tankönyv
A Belső Út a kozmikus Tudathoz
Életiskola az élettel való mesteri bánásmódhoz - 1. kötet
Tanulj meg imádkozni

Books in Slovenian:
Izkoristi trenutek!
UČBENIK: Doba lilije, visoki čas po času: Bog v nas in mi v Bogu
Jaz, Jaz, Jaz - Pajek v mreži
Notranja pot - Zbrano delo

Books in Macedonian:
Беседата на Гората – Пат кон повисока етика и морал – Внатрешен пат
Користи го мигот
Многу, многу живот
Животна школа за овладување со животот - Прва книга

Books in Serbian:
Put ka kosmičkoj svesti
Duša na svom putu ka savršenstvu
Uči se moliti

Books in Russian:
Великие космические учения Иисуса из Назарета
Ближе к Богу в тебе

Books in Dutch:
De Grote Kosmische Leer van Jezus van Nazareth
De dag – je vriend

Books in Swahili:
Roho huru Mungu ndani mwetu
Jifunze kuomba

Book in Japanese:
ナザレのイエスによる 偉大な宇宙の教え

Books in Chinese:
拿撒勒的耶稣 曾经把伟大宇宙的教导

We wish you all the best,
Your team at Gabriele Publishing The Word

Showing 1–9 of 27 results