Spiritual Books To Learn From, and Attain Ethical Moral Values



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Dear Friends of Gabriele-Publishing The Word,

The animals, the plants, the minerals, all of Mother-Earth live in the all-communication,
as one with their Creator, God. 
Every animal, the smallest living being in nature, carries the silent knowledge of life: 
God is. God is in us, in every animal and plant being, God is in all things.

How can we humans learn again to recognize the universal cosmic life that dwells in our smaller brothers and sisters, and to recognize that they too feel and sense as we do?
How can we learn to communicate with them, so that we understand them better and can thus draw closer to God, the Eternal One, through them?
How can we learn to live a life in peace and unity with humans, nature and the animals?

Gabriele, the Prophetess of God in our time gives us answers, explanations, tips and exercises to understand, learn and experience all of this and much more.
We invite you to explore among the many books of the Free Spirit, available in over
20 languages.

Our special offer this month: 20% off on many books, CDs and DVDs about animals, plants, nature and living in the All-Unity – in many languages!

Our English offer:
You, the Animal – You, the Human Being. Which Has Higher Values?
The Speaking All-Unity (Book with Meditation CD)
The Animal-Friendly Cookbook
Vegetarians – Godless Heretics?
Everything Is In Bloom and Our True Being (CD)
Helping Animals – Saving Lives (DVDs)

Our French offer:
Le livre de cuisine des amis des animaux
L’unité universelle parle - La Parole de l’Esprit créateur universel
La vie avec nos frères et soeurs les animaux
Floraison & Notre être véritable (CD)
Aider les animaux sauver des vies (DVDs)

Our German offers:
Du, das Tier – Du, der Mensch. Wer hat höhere Werte?
Die redende All-Einheit - Das Wort des Universalen Schöpfergeistes
Das tierfreundliche Kochbuch – Hin zur Natur
Vegetarier – Gottlose Ketzer?
Lasst die Tiere leben!
Es blüht & Unser wahres Sein (CD)
Tieren Helfen – Leben Retten (DVDs)

Our Spanish offer:
Tú, el animal. Tú, el hombre
La Unidad Universal que habla - La Palabra del Espíritu Creador Universal
El libro de cocina amigo de los animales
Los vegetarianos, ¿herejes ateos?
¡Dejad vivir a los animales!

Our Italian offer:
L’Unità Universale che parla
Tu, l’animale – Tu, l’uomo. Chi ha valori più elevati?
Vegetariani, eretici senza Dio?
Tutto è in fiore. Il nostro vero essere (CD)

Our Hungarian offer:
A beszélő Egyetemes Egység
Virágzik – Valódi létünk (CD)

Our Polish offer:
Zwierzę-Człowiek Kto jest więcej wart?
Mówiąca Wszech-Jedność

Our Slovenian offer:
Govoreča vesoljna Enost
Živalim prijazna kuharica
Ti, žival – ti, človek – Kdo je vreden več?

Our Croatian offer:
Ti, životinjo – Ti, čovječe! Tko ima više vrijednosti?
Svemirsko jedinstvo, koje govori

Our Macedonian offer:
Единството на Сепостоењето кое говори
Ти, животно – ти, човеку. Кој има повисоки вредности?

Offer Chinese offer:
冥想 花开 (DVD)

Warm greetings,
Your team from Gabriele Publishing The Word

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