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His Word – Eternal Presence

Today: “The path to the heart of God, which I set forth in the Sermon on the Mount and explained, supplemented and deepened in many revelations, is the path to the love and wisdom of God, to the true humanity. Do grasp this in today´s time!”

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The Ten Commandments of God
& The Sermon on the Mount

People who are watching this world change
their way of thinking.

A Woman’s Life in Service of the Eternal

My Path as the Teaching Prophetess and Emissary of God
at this Turn of Time

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Sophia Library

Visit the Sophia Library, the Center of the Free Spirit.
In the Sophia Library, you find information isles on all spheres of life, at which each visitor can inform himself in his own language, about the topics that are particularly close to his or her heart.
In the Sophia Library you also will find a bookstore where the sale of books, CDs and DVDs takes place.

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Activate Your Self-Healing Forces

What, actually, is health? What is illness? Is it the right medication alone that can influence the healing process?Let us learn to recognize why we become sick but also how we can remain healthy or experience soothing and healing, something which every individual can do.

Read the invaluable hints and suggestions for activating your self-healing forces.

Gabriele Publishing The Word

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