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The Free Spirit – God in Us


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Finding God
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Finding God

The Free Spirit


How can I find the Free Spirit?

Many people are finding it increasingly difficult to find God. “Where can I find God?” − some people ask themselves. And others who have previously associated God with the church or religions may have long since turned away − and yet the feeling remains that there is a force, a higher power, a being that loves us.
In this book you will learn that God is the Free Spirit who does not need institutions, religions or mediators because He dwells within every soul. Everyone can find the Free Spirit within themselves, because He is within us! We find it in a heartfelt prayer by speaking into our inner being with our own words. We find it in our fellow people, and also in nature.
In this book by Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God, we also read that the Free Spirit is omnipresent in everything that surrounds us: In every animal, in the blade of grass, in the flower, in the mighty tree… in every stone is His divine power.

What does the Eternal One, the Free Spirit, want from us humans? He gave us His commandments through Moses, He brought the teaching of charity through all the prophets. And so we also learn today through the prophetess of God of the present time: living love for God and our neighbor is the key to finding Him, the Eternal All-One within us − without priests, without a church, without religion.

A small reading sample:

So there is no God of the priests, but there is the One, the true God in you, in us, in all people, in all of creation, in all of nature. A loud sound becomes louder and louder: Why does He allow all this?
Yes, what is God supposed to do with the all-too-human heap of broken pieces? Should He smash it? Should He crush it? He doesn’t need to, we humans already do that ourselves, because we made this world and the earth what it is − not God.
He gave us free will because life, which is God, is free. The Eternal One does not force. He does not force any creature. He is freedom and he is the spirit of life. Whoever willfully destroys life is against life and places himself above the mighty Spirit − the All-One Creator.



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The Free Spirit – God in Us