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Conscious Living
Showing 10–18 of 26 results
The Speaking All-Unity (Book with Meditation CD)
Unity of life is being. Everything and everyone is interconnected.€ 29,00 *
The Christ Path to the Kingdom of Peace
From the fullness of Divine Wisdom, helpful experiences on the path to within.€ 12,90 *
God Wants the Best for You
Guiding principles and short words of wisdom for each of the days of the year.€ 16,90 *
The Free Spirit – God in Us
Every person can prove to themselves that God exists and that He dwells within us.€ 6,95 *
The Soul on Its Path to Perfection
In this book we receive answers to many questions, which explains comprehensively the way home of…€ 12,90 *
Open Up and Find Yourself
Nuggets of daily wisdom from Gabriele€ 12,90 *
The Gift from the Sanctum of God & GOD-FATHER The Word of the All
A gift so that all people of good will can open their hearts more and more to God€ 0,00 *
Inner Prayer
Prayer is the bridge to the reality of the Spirit, to the life that sets us free.€ 5,90 *
The Path of Forgetting
Every human act is energy, stored in the macrocosmos, and carried by the soul ...€ 8,00 *