Spiritual Books To Learn From, and Attain Ethical Moral Values



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December Offer - 20% OFF

Dear Friends of Gabriele Publishing The Word,

Moments of quiet invite us to turn inward, and become peaceful in our self-reflection.
The word from the Kingdom of God can help us and go with us in the coming time.

Perhaps these weeks of Advent give us the opportunity to think about where we can really find answers, security and hope, and to look back on our year with the question: How was it?
How did I think, speak and act? How is my connection with God, our eternal Father, and His Son Christ? What are the next steps I can take toward a peaceful, free and happy life?

These books by Gabriele selected for you have a wealth of pearls of divine wisdom.
They are translated into many different languages and bring us help above help from the Kingdom of God for every situation in life – and practical guidance for our everyday lives.

Would you like to give yourself or others a gift?
Books for life in December with a 20% discount:

In English:
Father Words for You, too
Open Up and Find Yourself
God Wants the Best for You

In Spanish:
La pescadora de perlas
Ábralo y encuéntrese
DIOS quiere lo mejor para tí
Palabras del Padre también para ti

In Italian:
La Vita è Unità
Sii silenzioso – Dio dimora in te
Parole del Padre rivolte anche a te

In French:
Paroles du Père, également pour toi
Espoir et confiance
La Oración Interna

In Polish:
Słowa Ojca także do Ciebie
Bóg pragnie dla ciebie tego, co najlepsze
Otwórz i odnajdź siebie

In Croatian:
Tebi za razmišljanje
Očeve riječi i tebi

In Macedonian:
Многу, многу живот
Татковите зборови исто така и за тебе

In Russian:
Слова Отца обращены также и к тебе
Ближе к Богу в тебе

In Serbian:
Bliže Bogu u sebi!

In Slovenian:
Bodi tih – Bog biva v Tebi

In Sweden:
Faderns ord även till dig

In Czech:
Slova Otce také Tobě

In German:

We wish you a time of profound peace with heartfelt greetings,
Your Team at Gabriele Publishing The Word

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